Just Thoughts. No Program
There was no program in January, so I have no words for tonight. One time before, I had nothing and Kayleigh said, "Make something up!"...

Yesterday's Christmas
Did you think Santa had so much to do that he forgot to see if Mrs. Claus was in the sleigh? Oh NO! He would never forget Mrs. Claus! She...

The Yale Bowl
Rich Marazzi, The Valley's sports guru, told us little unknown facts of the YALE BOWL. It is always the way, the closer you live to a...

The Colonial Goodwife
Talk presented by Velya Jancz Urban Sunday, July 19, 2016 Thank you for the nice day. It was hot, but hot is better than rain. We have...

Annual Report
Another year is history and it has been a good productive year. In August, several members attended a workshop at the Litchfield...

A Minute Of Fame
On February 3, 2016, Chanel 8 WTNH visited Seymour for a "Zip Trip" ( A minute for a quick trip around Seymour). It was to be aired after...